January 12, 2022
1. Total Commander Edit Redirector has been updated to the new version fixes a bug with not being able to run from a modal Find Files dialog, and also adds support for the Sync Dirs dialog (which can call an editor since TC 10.00). 2. A new program has been added: Runner. It allows you to keep using Win+R hotkey even if you disabled the Win+? shortcuts using a registry tweak.
November 14, 2020
Total Commander Russification package updated to the version 9.51.
October 31, 2019
Total Commander Russification package updated to the version 9.22a.
December 9, 2016
Aptil 17, 2016
Total Commander Russification package updated to the version 8.52a.
December 12, 2012
Total Commander Russification package updated to the version 8.01.
June 9, 2012
Added new plugin Uninstaller64 that allows to manage the list of installed applications. It was written as an alternative for the outdated UnInstaller plugin, and implements such modern features as 64-bit architecture support, Unicode, and many others.
June 6, 2012
Total Commander Russification package updated to the version 8.0.
March 28, 2012
It so happened, though new versions of my tools were released, I could not update the site in time. Today, finally, I updated all the information about the latest versions of the plugins and tools.
The biggest change is that all my plugins and addons for TC now have 64-bit version. This update was cause by the fact that TC itself starting from version 8.0 (being in beta stage now) is ported to the 64-bit architecture which cannot load 32-bit plugins. Now users of my plugins won't suffer from this restriction.
For some of the plugins and addons I took the opportunity of implementing some additional improvements; others I just recompiled. In the latter case I did not change the version number, but simply added the 64-bit version into the existing package. All the changes (if any) are listed, as usual, in ReadMe or History files located inside the package archives.
In addition, the extended Russian translation package was updated to the new TC version 7.57a.
Aptil 3, 2011
Help translation was added to the Total Commander Russification package 7.56a.
January 30, 2011
Users of the VirtualDisk plugin complained often about problems in 64-bit Windows Vista/7. The source of the problem was, that Microsoft implemented mandatory digital signature check for drivers in these Windows versions. Unfortunately, it is impossible for me to obtain such signature (it requires juridical person and paying about $500 once a year), so the driver was unsigned, and to make it work it was necessary to turn off the checks which was inconvenient and blocked some of Windows functionality. Now this problem is finally solved: Christian Ghisler suggested to sign the driver with his own signature, so you can use the plugin without problems. There are also some other changes and improvements, like e.g. new command-line tool for working with images independently from the plugin and TC. The full list of changes you can find in the History files in the plugin's package. Besides VirtualDisk, I also decided to publish two more updates that were actually ready long ago but I could not find time for creating the packages and posting the news. These are the plugin HLP/MVB plugin and the tool Total Commander Edit Redirector with several minor bugfixes.
January 24, 2011
Total Commander Russification package updated to the version 7.56a.
November 2, 2010
October 16, 2010
Today I publish two new projects. Total Commander Edit Redirector: minimalistic analogue of such well known tools as ChoiceEditor, OFSTC and F4Menu. The key feature in TCER was maximum compactness and performance, that's why there is no graphical interface, nor ability to choose from several editors. However, some users might find this tool useful. HLP/MVB decompilation plugin which can be useful for those who work much with HLP files and who did not like the MultiArc version. This plugin is based on the modified source code of HelpDeco and therefore is free from the MultiArc drawbacks. Besides, I publish a new version of my EmEditor plugin CP_Convert which I have written long ago but could not find time to put it online.
September 24, 2009
Total Commander was updated to the version 7.50a. So was our Russification package.
September 16, 2009
An update for the VirtualDisk plugin is released: now it supports DVD images in UDF format. The new version (1.31) can be downloaded here.
September 9, 2009
Total Commander 7.50 was finally released today. So was our Russification package, of course.
September 6, 2009
Russification package for Total Commander was updated to the version 7.50rc2 Lite.
August 23, 2009
Russification package for Total Commander was updated to the version 7.50rc1 Lite.
July 30, 2009
Russification package for Total Commander was updated to the version 7.50pb8 Lite.